Durability pays for itself, for you and your customers.

Wholesalers, florists and consumers will ultimately only be happy with cut flowers if the blossoms don’t start to wilt after the shortest time. This is especially true in the case of high-priced products like cut hellebores. Aarendelle is the result of long years of professional cut flower breeding and optimized post-harvest treatment that basically serve a single purpose: enhanced vase-life. Learn how we ensure the unique vase-life of up to three weeks for cut hellebores and how you can benefit from this.

Go to care tips

Three keys to a longer vase-life

Proper breeding and variety selection

For countless plant generations, the breeders of Aarandelle have made crosses and conducted trials to find the perfect variety for Aarandelle cut hellebores.

Perfect harvest timing

Stems are harvested when the level of flower maturity is ideal.

Optimum post-harvest treatment

Immediately after harvest, Aarendelle is subjected to a special post-harvest treatment and stored in a cool place.

Benefits for dealers and florists

More reliable production planning

Investing in cut hellebores is getting safer and more profitable because Aarandelle stays beautiful in the vase for up to three weeks.

Permanently in stock

With Aarendelle's extended storability, you can always keep a sufficient number of stems in stock to meet even peak demand.

Appeal at the point of sale

Interesting for florists in particular: Aarendelle can easily be kept on display in the saleroom for a longer time.

Satisfied end-consumers

End-consumers love the fact that these especially beautiful flowers last so long.

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Up to three weeks' delight in Aarendelle. If you heed these tips

We are happy to pass on our knowledge to you so that you and your customers can enjoy Aarandelle for as long as possible. You'll want to bear in mind the following care information:

Flower stem care

1. Re-cut the stems immediately upon arrival for improved water uptake and place them in fresh cold water.

2. Important: do not use any kind of flower food!

3. Change the water daily. Re-cut stems that turn black at their bottom ends and place them in fresh water.


1. The flower stems need to be stored in a cool place.

2. Make sure to keep them protected from direct sunlight and at a sufficient distance from heaters.

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